why does everyone need a job? it's bcoz of money, wasting their time, chasing their dreams or maybe they thought this is how the life goes on? every jobs can make us understand or learn alot of things.. but it's included, bad things and good things.. gd behaviour or bad behaviour.. learn to face those stress that never had b4..

i believe that everyone working it's bcoz of money.. u do have money den only can buy what ever u wan, do wat ever things and go wat ever u wan.. where it's the money come from? need to earn right? ok! mayb some ppl no need to earn, already have many money to used (rich).. but their parents still need to earn alot of money to support them right?

do u ever notice that, my topic also related to money.. heehee.. it's can make u to understand me.. i do need money.. no kidding here.. by the way, return to our topic here..

i do appreciate someone working it's for chasing their dreams.. they do have a wonderful dream, but wat i have? herm.. nothing.. heehee.. do u know that chasing the dreams it's such a wonderful things? always do have target to hit and never give up.. i think that's y i cant do sales.. i dont like to hit target.. but i like to make my dreams succeed.. i know it's jus a dream.. i do a reality person..

how about this is the life goes on? everyone do follow the steps.. after graduate den find a job.. but they never chasing dreams n do need for those money.. mayb i can say it's jus for pasing time.. summore need to know more ppl, n have a relationship den married.. this wat they call life.. life does goes like this.. am i something wrong here? write such nonsence things.. ;-p