Friday, December 12, 2008


conversation it's a MUST to our life.. when lost the conversation between human.. all the system should b out of control.. but conversation need some afford to contact to ur family, friends n colleague.. mayb u need some entertainment with some friends.. but entertainment do needs money to afford.. life should be leave in the world with full of money.. money control life..

i didnt meant tat money can buy life.. but most of all, everyone do need money to live in this full of realistics world.. they say, money cant buy love.. cant buy relationship.. cant buy family.. cant buy happiness.. but whos know? whos know no one who live in this condition? live in used money to buy relationship, family, hapiness, love n etc?

sumone who because of family property to stay with the enemy.. no love, married to sum1 who can full fill their financial problem.. some of the friends it's because u rich, den only will be ur frien.. if u dont hav money to do an operation, how to keep our life going?so money it's really quite important to human.. even baby do needs alot of money to come to this world.. so how u think about money? for me?
no money, no happy..
money do makes ppl worry..

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