Monday, October 31, 2011

♥= Pasar Malam =♥

Pasar malam is one of Malaysian culture, in this pasar malam (night market) sold the local goods such as fruits, vegetables, snacks, toys, clothes, shoes, alarm clocks, and ornaments at cheap or at least reasonable prices. Pirated DVDs, CDs and computer software are often sold at a pasar malam. ♬~♬

A pasar malam often takes place only one to a few week, as the traders rotate around different neighbourhoods on different days of the week. Haggling over price is a common practice at such markets.

I love to go pasar malam for the foods and snacks. I seldom go for clothes, shoes or others, their foods are really good etc. asam laksa, fried abalone mushroom, fried enoki mushroom, taiwan pearl milk tea, aiyu jelly and others.The foods there are super good~~ ♥.♥

What food do your like at pasar malam? >.^

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