Monday, December 13, 2010

Recently Hit Topic's

Recently fb always talking about a guy who's age 22yrs old (Alviss Kong) commit suicide who left his suicide note at fb.. his story it's about her gf who dating for 4 month and wanna broke up with him.. he can't stand the lost pain and he choose to commit suicide..
I heard those parents comment is.. the guy don't know how to think for their future OR parents la.. he didn't treasure his life la.. not worth it la.. For sum of the teenagers, I heard they comment it's not worth to choose died because of 4 month dating la.. feel pity of him la.. For the others teenagers, they feel sympathies for him la.. support him la.. and hope he'll rest in peace la..

Actually i won't giv any comment to this news cause i feel this is a very personal things.. everyday do hav many ppl commit suicide beacuse of LOVE.. but y they don't talk or comments about those guys? Izzit because of he left his very last message at fb, that's everyone very concern about this case?? But i do hope he'll rest in peace..

What i wanna comment in this case is.. we should always alert for those friends & family members when they're having a hard time.. we should always care for them before they think of commit suicide.. if something bad had happen only knew regrets.. tat's call TOO LATE.. care for your family & friends before it's too late~~

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