Thursday, December 30, 2010

ღ 青蜂侠 The Green Hornet ღ


Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) is the son of LA's most prominent and respected media magnate and perfectly happy to maintain a directionless existence on the party scene until his father (Tom Wilkinson) mysteriously dies, leaving Britt his vast media empire. Striking an unlikely friendship with one of his father's more industrious and inventive employees, Kato (Jay Chou), they see their chance to do something meaningful for the first time in their lives: fight crime.

To get close to the criminals they come up with the perfect cover: they'll pose as criminals themselves.

Protecting the law by breaking it, Britt becomes the vigilante the Green Hornet as he and Kato hit the streets. Using all his ingenuity and skill, Kato builds the ultimately in advanced retro weaponry, The Black Beauty, an indestructible car equal parts firepower and horsepower. Rolling in a mobile fortress on wheels and striking the bad guys with Kato's clever gadgets, the Green Hornet and Kato quickly start making a name for themselves, and with the help of Britt's new Secretary Lenore Case (Cameron Diaz), they begin hunting down the man who controls LA's gritty underworld: Benjamin Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz). But Chudnofsky has plans of his own: to swat down the Green Hornet once and for all.

Yippee.. ^.^ The Green Hornet it’s coming on January 2011.. I’m waiting for this movie until my neck been longer than before lo.. waiting for Jay Chou.. waiting for his funny act.. waiting for his funny English lang.. waiting for 3D actions..3D can makes me feels like he’s in front of me.. oh my gosh.. can’t hardly wait..

“We’ll need a car. Some weapons. But no tight…” – Kato (Jay Chou), The Green Hornet

For this movie, he purposely ate till look abit chubby.. when I look at his chubby face.. oh.. feel like wanna cubit him ah.. so CUTE!!!! XP

looks cool..

But after this movie, he tried his best to diet.. even when concert needs a lot of energy, he still decided to skip his meal for diet.. he still can make the concert till very HIGH.. very proud of him.. LOVE YA 4ever.. ◕‿◕

serious face..

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

KL Trip

On Christmas I went to KL.. it’s really quite rush lo.. 1 day trip.. We took Sri Maju bus to KL, wahlao eh.. the bus hor, swing till I wanna vomit jo.. really dizzy.. luckily the driver drove slowly, if not I really vomit jo.. I keep on talking and I don’t wanna look outside of the window.. I’m scared that will turn my shopping mood to sick mood.. T.T

We went to Times Square, Sg Wang & Fahrenheit.. Sg Wang it’s a low cost budget suitable shopping centre.. Tmes Square it’s a medium budget shopping centre.. Fahrenheit it’s high budget shopping centre.. Oh my gosh, walk till my leg also wanna broke jo..

Actually I wanna buy a dinner high heel, but what I found in KL shopping centre are not much different with Ipoh.. At last I only bought a top wear.. haiz.. disappointed.. But wat I like it’s I can eat de Chicken Korean Ramen.. delicious.. it’s located at Sg Wang 6th Floor.. Their Shin Ramen it’s too spicy for me.. So, I like Chicken Korean Ramen.. yippee.. ^^

Although I can’t bought what I need, but I can met with my bro.. He fetch us from Sg Wang to Bukit Jalil Stadium to take bus.. He did changed his car from Proton Satria Neo (1.6 CC) to Sonata YF (2.4 CC).. 1st time sat on Sonata YF (White Crystal) designed really looks like Mercedes, in the car also looks very nice.. summore no need to turn a key, just push the button.. a panaromic sunroof.. ipod, aux and usb port.. Jeang!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

囧探查过界 Twilight Investigation

The former police officers Yip Kwok Cheung (Bill Chan) has set up a private detective agencies, members of the team have both their own strengths, and Gei On Gui(Wong He) is the most important member. With careful thought and sharp deconstruction of dialysis. The team have detect lots of crime.
Because of investigating an adultery case, On Gui is acquainted with the nameless teen-model, Chung Yee Tuk (Linda Chung). Yee Tuk was born in an incomplete family, and is withdrawn. This makes her frustrated in both love and work. Once Yee Tuk was drunk and cause a car accident, she nearly die. It makes her want to find her separated mother so she found On Gui to help her. On Gui is sympathize with Yee Tuk and try his best to find Yee Tuk's mother, but during the investigation, he discover a secret of Yee Tuk's mother that even Yee tuk haven't know...

This movie really quite funny.. The case also very interesting.. This drama related to ghost story.. haha.. quite interesting.. very funny.. should see this drama oh~~ ^^
But in reality, dont be like On Gui oh.. coz human and ghost live together, will cause human luck or health problem oh..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010




Friday, December 17, 2010

My Health

ó I need a good health to enjoy my life… recently I found out that my health problem it’s getting serious. If I ate some acid food that’s not suitable for me, immediately gastric will come for me. But the problem it’s, I like to eat those acid foods OR drinks. Now I have to control myself to eat those foods. Really not easy as I think…

(Gastric avoid foods)



Cream cheese





Potato salad

Peanut butter


Snack crackers


Fried food


Potato chip

Oily foods like gravy and butter.

ó Another problem is my insomnia. If yesterday I was insomnia, today will be headache for whole day. Every night I do feel sleepy, but I just can’t go to sleep. If I slept, I’ll wake up a hundred times in the middle of the night. If continues in this condition, I’m getting crazy

(Insomnia Causes)



Normal aging

Caffeine before bedtime

Sugar snack before bedtime

Environment change

Sleep schedule problems

Jet lag

Shift work

Excessive caffeine

Excessive alcohol




Mental stimulation before bedtime

Daytime napping

Worrying about insomnia - exacerbates the situation.

Disrupted sleep schedules

Smoking - especially at bedtime

Substance abuse Read

I’ll re-plan my special menu for my health. I’m not greedy… I just hope I can endure my eating habits for a year. Please pray for me… I want healthy not sick…

Breakfast – An apple + Hot Milo

Lunch – Noodles

Dinner - Special K + HL Low fat Milk + An Apple

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


女孩叫,一天她上网,突然她头像在闪动,她点击一看,是个陌生人。陌生人:在哪儿呢?来一起吃饭吧!云:你认错人了吧?我们好象不认识啊!陌生人:我叫风,你呢?云:你叫我云好了陌生人:你看这不就认识了吗…… 就这样他们认识了,而且是网上… 那天他们聊了很久,云很开心,她觉得风很有味道… 自那以后,他们每天都上网聊天,风喜欢叫云丫头风:丫头!今天都干嘛去了云:干嘛要告诉你?你算老几风:我是你老公啊!云:才不是呢 云心里甜滋滋的,她已经疯狂的爱上了风,令她想不到的是风也喜欢上了她…

云每天都上网等风,但是她几天都没见风上线了。她开始着急了… 她便背着父母偷偷的买了手机 她给风留言告诉他号码 一天她正在上课,突然手机响了,这时所有的目光都转向了她,连老师也朝她瞪了一眼。她也下意识的关了机。 云知道是风打的,她好高兴,但又怕他生气,她课也听不进去…终于下课了,她打开手机,她吓呆了,一连几十条来电提醒,还一条信息:丫头!死哪去了!干嘛不接我电话? 云还没看完,手机又响了,也许是她太激动了,响了好久才接,没等反映过来那边就开始吼了风:死丫头!找死啊!这么久才接我电话!云:不好意思嘛!我刚刚在上课…风:骗谁啦!今天礼拜天上什么课?云:我们补课啊…风:我在网吧等你好久了,快点来!云:有什么事不能电话里讲吗?风:我叫你来你就要来!嘟嘟嘟…云刚要解释那边已经挂电话了云只能听他的话乖乖的去网吧她一上线就看到风给他发的信息:老婆,我好想你,怎么都不接我电话?是不是生我的气啊!这几天我很忙,没有时间上网,我知道你每天都在等我,老婆对不起哦!让你等那么久… 云感动得眼泪流了下来…

风:老婆,让我看看你好吗? 风已经打开了视频,云好担心,因为她不算漂亮,而且胖嘟嘟的,她怕风看了之后就不喜欢她了。但她还是接受了视频聊天,可她不用视频对着自己,这时里面出现一个很帅气的男生,她惊呆了…风:老婆,你在哪儿呢?云:风:老婆回答我啊!云:那就是你吗?风:怎么啦?那不是我还会是谁啊? 那瞬间,云快要崩溃了,她开始意识到了自己的处境,她真的不敢想象风看了她之后会是什么样的反应…风:老婆没事吧?云:你还是别叫我老婆了,我们是不可能的! 发了这句话时泪水已模糊了她的双眼…风:老婆,你开什么玩笑?难道你不喜欢我了吗?云:我一开始就不喜欢你!她说这句话时心如刀绞…风:为什么?我不相信… 这时云已经忍不住了,就把真相告诉了风,然后又把视频对上了自己,好让风死了心,可她想不到结果不是她想的那样风:傻瓜,怎么这么傻!爱你还在乎你的样子吗?云:别骗我了!风:老婆,我们认识也有一年多了,我有骗过你吗?云:…风:那好吧!那我等下就去买车票,我过去看你! 云没有当真,她认为网上都是骗人的 …到了晚上九点半,云也下课,到了宿舍听到女生们议论纷纷:刚刚有个男生好帅哦!好像是来找人的…听到这,云突然想到了风… 她便飞一般的跑出去,到宿舍大门,她一下子呆住了…

只见一个高大又帅气的男生捧着一束鲜花向她走来,是风,她简直不敢相信自己的眼睛…风:丫头!发什么呆啊!云:老公,我相信你了… 说完就扑到了风的怀里


那晚他们在一起了… 他们彼此都感到很幸福 自那以后,云好象变了一个人似的,每天只知道想风,她不那么爱读书了… 这样过了一个多月,云实在受不了相思的煎熬,她退学了,但她却不知道这才是她恶梦的开始… 她背着家人偷偷的跟风在一起了… … 转眼间他们在一起已差不多一年了 这时的她已经怀孕了,她怀了风的孩子…

但风对她也开始嫌弃她了,不为别的,就是因为她长得不漂亮,她也能感觉到风的心已慢慢的疏远了她,但她还是假装不知道直到有一天,风跟她说他早就想和她分手,但他不忍心伤害她,他承认,他很爱她,但他的朋友说云不漂亮,配不上他。就因为朋友们议论纷纷,他才有那种分手的念头。他的心里也是百般的不愿意啊! 当时云假装很坚强,她止住眼泪 但背着风她痛哭了一顿,她竟想不到风竟然为了要面子而想放弃她,她长得不漂亮有什么错?

那几天她想了很多…谁也想不到她会做什么? 没过多久,他们的孩子出世了,是个男孩,长得好象风… 云每天望着儿子流眼泪,没有人知道她想什么… 直到有一天,风回到家,他们的儿子已经泣不成声了,喊了好久云都没有应。他好象意识到发生了什么事… 他飞一般跑到卧室,眼前的那一幕令他惊呆了! 云穿着她做梦都想穿的婚沙静静地躺在床上…她面带微笑,她到另一个世界去了…

风拼命喊她,可她已经听不到了… 这时风看到了云放在床头的信 信的内容: 老公,对不起,老婆这辈子不能再陪伴你了 也许到另一个世界去我会过得好一点,你也不会整天听到你朋友说你闲话了 我会在天上看着你跟我们的儿子 你们一定要过得幸福哦! 我在天上都能看得到的哦 老公,你知道吗?我好想穿着婚沙跟你结婚哦!也许是我还不够资格吧!

但愿来生我能长得漂亮点,至少没有人讲我配不上你,如果那样你会娶我吗? 老公,当你对我说‘爱你我还会在乎你的样子吗’这句话时我有多开心吗?我知道你没有嫌弃,我觉得我真的好幸福哦!但令我想不到的是,你竟在乎别人看我的眼光。我的心好痛…我真的弄不明白,你所谓的那些朋友真的是为你好吗?他们难道不知道我们的感情有多深吗?知道了为什么还会那样说,漂亮又能怎么样?能当饭吃吗? 老公,你觉得我说得对吗? 老公,你看我们的宝宝,他已经有一个多月了,他多象你呢!将来也肯定长得跟你一样帅!嘻嘻 老公,谢谢你,让我拥有你,有时候我真的觉得自己好象在做梦呢! 老公,你能爱上我,我已经很知足了,我没资格要求你什么,我只要你每天都能够过得开心,你知道我每天见你总是愁眉苦脸的有多心疼吗?我知道一切都是因为我,谁叫我长得不漂亮呢 老公有机会下辈子再做你的老婆吧? 记得你一定要幸福哦! …

看到这,风已经泪流满面了,他真的好后悔,他真的不该相信那些‘朋友’,他使劲抱着她,拼命的喊她,可她还能听得见吗? 朋友们:很多东西往往等失去了才懂得珍惜!各位帅哥,希望你看了之后能够好好对待你们的女朋友或老婆,不管她有多丑,既然你已经选择了爱她,就要好好对她不要等失去了才知道后悔,那时已经晚了。。。

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jay Chou "The Era" 2011 World Tour

I'm very happy that I've already bought a Jay Chou "The Era" 2011 World Tour @ Putra Indoor Stadium Bukit Jalil on 5th March 2011.. I'm so excited.. this is my first time to buy such an expensive concert ticket for an idol.. oh god.. I'm glad that I've make a right decision..

This is my first concert ever~~ I do go to concert on 2003, MYFM free ticket @ Arena of Star.. ok.. back to my Jay Chou concert.. ^^ On the first day of the ticket launch.. already sold out 1,000 tickets.. I'm quite surprise for it.. When I saw the seating plan it's available for me.. damn.. left very few place to choose only.. lucky I go to bought on the second day.. if not.. comfirm full jo la..

I quite enjoy the MYFM mini concert.. but this time I need to use my money to buy for the ticket.. need to plan for my transport and the place to stay.. I still have no idea about it.. really excited.. everything will be worth it, because of Jay Chou.. muahahaha XD

I can see he play piano.. sing live.. speaking directly.. laughing.. dancing.. most important it's.. I can SCREAM for him.. OMG!! getting excited.. I can't too look forward for the concert.. If not, I scared that he'll disappointed me.. but.. JAY CHOU!!! I knew you wont!! LOVE YA~~~ ^^

Monday, December 13, 2010

Recently Hit Topic's

Recently fb always talking about a guy who's age 22yrs old (Alviss Kong) commit suicide who left his suicide note at fb.. his story it's about her gf who dating for 4 month and wanna broke up with him.. he can't stand the lost pain and he choose to commit suicide..
I heard those parents comment is.. the guy don't know how to think for their future OR parents la.. he didn't treasure his life la.. not worth it la.. For sum of the teenagers, I heard they comment it's not worth to choose died because of 4 month dating la.. feel pity of him la.. For the others teenagers, they feel sympathies for him la.. support him la.. and hope he'll rest in peace la..

Actually i won't giv any comment to this news cause i feel this is a very personal things.. everyday do hav many ppl commit suicide beacuse of LOVE.. but y they don't talk or comments about those guys? Izzit because of he left his very last message at fb, that's everyone very concern about this case?? But i do hope he'll rest in peace..

What i wanna comment in this case is.. we should always alert for those friends & family members when they're having a hard time.. we should always care for them before they think of commit suicide.. if something bad had happen only knew regrets.. tat's call TOO LATE.. care for your family & friends before it's too late~~

Saturday, December 11, 2010

原来是美男啊?You're Beautiful

The management company of the idol group A.N.JELL insisted on adding a new singer to group as the lead vocal, Tae Kyung's voice was hurting. However, the new member, Mi Nam, had to go to the States to repair a botched eye job just before singing the contract. His agent came up with the idea of having his twin sister, Mi Nu, to stand is for him and pretend that she was her brother. The two of them grew up in an orphanage and Mi Nu, who was all set to become a nun, agreed to this charade as she didn't wat to spoil her brother's chance of fame which would make it easier to look for their mother..

Hwang Tae Kyung

I would like to introduce this korean drama it's because.. damn good.. it's really funny and the songs it's really good.. this drama it's the best korean drama i've ever seen.. I do like the character name Jeremy.. he's really cute.. just like a monkey.. and funny.. ^^
recently, my colleague n i always watch korean dramas.. quite syok too.. ^^

Jang Geun Suk as Hwang Tae Kyung smilling really cute.. ^^

Friday, December 10, 2010


in a year, the month that i like the most it's december.. i love december it's because of christmas.. i dont know y i like christmas so much.. even christmas songs i also love it too.. this year i'll go to kuala lumpur.. but for christmas eve, still dont hav activities yet.. i like christmas but dont like to go out.. coz it's too crowd out there.. and the expenses is super duper high..

i need a silent night and a holy night.. it's christmas.. if can giv me snow.. tat's perfect.. it's really my dream christmas.. "A White Christmas"

i've wrote a blog regarding christmas before.. i've mention about be wif my family it's such a warm christmas to me.. but i've never try before such experience.. mayb i've watch too much movies.. ^^ mayb it's because i live in a malay country.. didnt celebrate christmas tat much..

and i would like to mention about christmas is Christmas Carol.. this story are telling sumone who dont like christmas.. show how warm it's the christmas is.. i think most of the Christmas Carol version i've watch before..

ROM Celebration..

yesterday it's my frien registration of marriage.. this year it's getting more of my frien married.. congratulations to them.. izzit 24yrs it's a suitable year for married?? i wonder y so many ppl choose to married in this year.. ppl say married in tiger year it's no good for the couple..
it's really a sweet couples of them..
at the night time, my frien decided to celebrate their ROM at K-Box Embassy @ Jusco Kinta City.. my frien keeps on complaint that 1 of our frien being so weird.. such a big day also didnt attend the celebration party.. *no giv face*
it's true la.. such a big day also didnt giv face.. not once.. but 2 of my frien ROM celebration night also didnt attend and gav such a lousy excuse.. *although not all of their frien v know* this is our school frien married.. not the one u dont know.. it's really weird than me.. ^^


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Little Gathering

I've long time didnt met my frien.. San Kooi & Sook Lar @ Mei..

we decided came out for a met on 7th Dec 2010..

actually we decided to go Little Taiwan at De Garden..

but unfortunately we can't find it OR the shop haven't open..

we think very hard only decided to try a new restaurant for us..

Oh Sushi!

we do try the ATSUKAN (alcohol drink)

quite nice.. should try it next time.. ^^

we chat alot of funny things..

Nitsume they call Sweet Sauce.. ^^

this is our bills, quite reasonable for Japanese Foods..