Monday, October 31, 2011

♥= Pasar Malam =♥

Pasar malam is one of Malaysian culture, in this pasar malam (night market) sold the local goods such as fruits, vegetables, snacks, toys, clothes, shoes, alarm clocks, and ornaments at cheap or at least reasonable prices. Pirated DVDs, CDs and computer software are often sold at a pasar malam. ♬~♬

A pasar malam often takes place only one to a few week, as the traders rotate around different neighbourhoods on different days of the week. Haggling over price is a common practice at such markets.

I love to go pasar malam for the foods and snacks. I seldom go for clothes, shoes or others, their foods are really good etc. asam laksa, fried abalone mushroom, fried enoki mushroom, taiwan pearl milk tea, aiyu jelly and others.The foods there are super good~~ ♥.♥

What food do your like at pasar malam? >.^

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Friday, October 28, 2011

◕~ Fruits ~◕

Let me tell you what fruits that I ONLY eat.. ^^
Jambu Air
Mandarin Orange

I only eat this kind of fruits.. Others I don't eat oh~~
Actually I'm not that choosy jeh.. I eat alot of fruits ma.. ^^

Thursday, October 27, 2011

@~ Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer ~@

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (May 21, 1960 - November 28, 1994) was an American serial killer and sex offender. Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991, with the majority of the murders occuring between 1987 and 1991. His murders involved rape, dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism.

Dahmer's early childhood was by all accounts normal, but he grew increasingly withdrawn and uncommunicative between the age of 10 and 15, showing little interest in any hobbies or social interactions. Dahmer began drinking in his teens and was an alcoholic by the time of his high school graduation.

Jeffrey Dahmer committed his first murder in the summer of 1978, at age of 18. Dahmer were left behind by his family members. That June, Dahmer picked up a hitchhiker named Steven Hicks and offered to drink beer with him back at his father's house, planning to eventually have sex with him. When Hicks tried to leave, Dahmer bludgeoned Hicks to death with a 10 lb dumbell, striking the back of his head, later saying he had committed the crime because "the guy wanted to leave and he didn't want him to". Dahmer buried the body in the backyard.

Nine years passed before he killed again, in September 1987, Dahmer picked up 26-year-old Steven Tuomi at a bar and killed him on impulse, he later said he had no memory of committing the crime. After the Tuomi murder, Dahmer continued to kill sporadically: two more murders in 1988, and another in early 1989, usually picking up his victims in gay bars and having sex with them before killing them. He kept the skull of one of his victims, Anthony Sears, until he was caught.

In 1982, Dahmer moved in with his grandmother in West Allis, where he lived for six years. During this time, his behavior grew increasingly strange. His grandmother once found a fully dressed male mannequin in his closet.

In summer 1988, Dahmer's grandmother asked him to move out because of his late nights, his strange behavior, and the foul smell from the basement. On September 26, 1988, one day after moving into his apartment, he was arrested for drugging and sexually fondling a 13-year-old boy in Milwaukee named Somsack Sinthasomphone. Dahmer picked up the pace of his killing: four more murders before the end of 1990, two more in February and April 1991, and another in May 1991.

In the early morning hours of May 27, 1991, 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone (by coincidence, the younger brother of the boy whom Dahmer had molested) was discovered on the street, wandering naked, heavily under the influence of drugs and bleeding from his rectum. Dahmer told police that Sinthasimphone was his 19-year-old boyfriend, and that they had an argument while drinking. Dahmer killed and dismembered Sinthasomphone, keeping his skull as a souvenir.

By summer 1991, Dahmer was murdering approximately one person each week. Dahmer got the idea that he could turn his victims into Zombies - completely submissive, eternally youthful sexual partners - and attempted to do so by drilling holes into their skulls and injecting hydrochloric acid or boiling water into the frontal lobe area of their brains with a large syringe, while the victim was usually still alive.

He was sentenced to five years probation and one year in a work release camp. He was required to register as a sex offender. Dahmer was paroled from the work release camp two months early, and he soon moved into a new apartment. Shortly thereafter, he began a string of murders that ended with his arrest in 1991. On November 28, 1994, he was beaten to death by an inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution, where he had been incarcerated.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

♥.♥ 爱 ♥.♥



  • 女人在一段时间只能喜欢一个男人
  • 男人可以同一时间喜欢很多的女人

爽吗?婚姻 = 开玩笑吗?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

+.+ C's +.+

I saw a drama said that she need a guy with 5C..
I quite agreed with this C's.. But I think I need one more.. P..Cheerful
Yes~~ Guy may need cheerful.. If not both of the couple silent all the while, how to stay for a long time??

Yes~~ Creative for those surprises & sweetness.. A little surprise and sweet may last long the relationship.. ^^
Yes~~ Guy must have some confidence for themselves..
Nor only gals need caring.. Guys also need caring..
Everyone need Caring~~

Nor only guys need to be charming to be more attractive..
Gals do need some charming to be even more attractive..

Do you agree with me this C's?? >.^

Monday, October 24, 2011

^~♥ Lie To Me ♥~^


Gong Ah Jung, a level 5 Ministry of Culture official, gets entangled in a web of lies when she mistakenly lies that she’s married to Hyun Ki Joon, a hotel manager from an affluent family. Their relationship is further complicated when Ki Joon’s ex-fiancée and a close friend of his brother’s, Oh Yoon Joo, reappears in his life.

Actually this drama quite nice.. quite funny..
But the most confusing me is I don't know the Hyun Ki Joon love who..
Sometimes always show here and there, can't understand..
But this is a good drama too.. ◕‿◕

Gong Ah Jung vs Hyun Ki Joon
Yoon Eun Hye vs Kang Ji Hwan

I love the way he propose to Gong Ah Jung..
And I love the way he called Ah Jung ah~~ ♥.♥

This is a fairy tales story..
A gentleman who love his lover like a kid..
《My dear friends, it won't happen in reality》T.T

In this drama, most of the people is using Samsung Galaxy S2..
When they throw the hand phone, I always said..
“If you don't want it, please don't throw it.. Please give it to me!!!”

If you watched this drama, sure you will love this song~~ ♬~♬

Friday, October 21, 2011

❤ღ Dream Car ღ❤

I believe when our age reach a certain level, our dream car will changed..

..Toyota Estima..
From the day I know what is car, I like this car very much..
I don't know why, but all I know is this car very comfortable.. ◕‿◕
..Volkswagen Beetle..
When I was teenagers, I like this car too..
It so cute.. ♥.♥..BMW M3 Coupé..
Now this is my dream car, maybe I attracted to it cool figure..
CooL CaR.. ◕o◕

I believe everyone does have an dream car..
Which is yours??

Thursday, October 20, 2011

◕~◕ 鬼故事 ◕~◕


  13樓,不吉祥的數字,不吉祥的高度,讓年幼的的弟弟腦漿迸裂,寸骨寸折。警察用粉筆在 地上,畫出一團很難稱得上人形的痕跡。鮮紅色的圖騰漬在地上,漸漸變成了褐色、黑色,掃地的歐巴桑用漂白水奮力刷了好幾次,仍舊刷不掉那不規則的黑色。也 刷不掉幼子離世的悲傷。媽媽嚎啕大哭了7天,哭到幾乎要送急診。爸爸捶牆撞壁7天,痛斥自己為何當天只留孩子們在家中。但除了悲傷,這件慘劇還瀰漫著詭譎 的色彩。

   「當時有個老婆婆,將弟弟從陽台推下去呀!」潔回憶當時的情景,全身都在顫抖,臉上更佈滿了淚痕。父母聽聞震驚,雞皮疙瘩。這話出自7歲女孩之口,格外 陰森恐怖。「胡說!家裡哪來的老婆婆?」父親斥喝。「那婆婆穿著黑色的衣服,長得好像…」潔哭得更加厲害。長得好像,家裡神桌上的某張照片。母親吃驚,立 刻領著嚇壞的潔到偏聽的神桌前。「哇!」潔大哭,躲至母親身後。黑白照片裡,正是穿著黑衣的、已逝的奶奶。母親害怕大叫,父親身子顫抖。「…怎麼可能? 怎麼會這麼做!」父親駭然。「我不要待在這哩!」潔尖叫,昏厥。
  不久後,模樣有些猥瑣的法師到家中辦 喪事。招魂時,銅鈴規律地鐺鐺作響,似在安撫亡者之靈。冥紙從那灘黑色的不規則血跡,一路撒至樓上。「林振德回家啦!林振德回家啦!」法師穿著一身黃袍吆 喝著。父親摟著母親,擦拭著眼淚,跟隨法師後面一起喊著弟弟的名字。法師口中念念有詞,在客廳舞弄著木劍,潑灑淨水。潔瑟縮在沙發椅上,在指縫中瞇起眼。 父母親也注意到女兒的反常,原以為女兒正為弟弟的死亡感到難過之時,女兒開口了。「法師…」潔恐懼的聲音。「啊?」法師愕然,停止揮動木劍。潔頓時整個人 捲成一團。

  父母親見著,心突然都揪了起來,一股不安的寒意直透背脊。「你後面…」潔臉色發白。法師臉 色微變。冷氣好像突然降了幾度。法師聽街坊說過,潔「看見」奶奶弟弟下樓之事。木劍尖顫抖,眉毛滲出水珠。「有個紅衣小女孩……再你…背上…」潔雙眼翻 白。法師大驚,嚇到整個人跳到餐桌上。「什麼紅衣……在哪?在哪?」法師抄起符咒,驚惶的大喊著。母親趕緊抱住潔,父親不知所措著。「砍死你!」法師木劍 亂砍一陣,最後重心不穩跌下。一聲破碎的慘叫,法師竟斷了兩根肋骨。醫護人員扛走法師時,躺在擔架上還惶恐的問:「那……鬼長什麼樣子?走了沒?走了沒 有?」情緒難以平復。父母親則在客廳中不斷的安撫驚嚇過度的潔,既心疼,又難以理解。為什麼這孩子要受這莫名的恐懼呢?

  大醫院,精神 科門診。「百分之百,幻視。」「幻視?」醫生輕咳了兩聲,說到:「是的!你們夫妻倆不在家中,弟弟意外猝死,小女孩因過度自責併發的生理異狀,引起神經功 能失調,很典型的症狀。」「那……該怎麼辦?」父親嘆氣,看著一旁的女兒。「這症狀很少發生在孩童身上,所以換句話說,也沒什麼好擔心的,多讓孩子休息、 多陪伴、關心就可以了,這個症狀也許只是過度期的反應。倒是你們做父母的,別累倒了才是!」醫生摸著潔的頭,笑道。「過渡時期……那實在太好了!」父親鬆 了口氣。醫生開出一紙處方,又開始咳嗽起來:「除了定期服藥,最好的良方莫過於時間。時間沖淡一切總該聽過吧?」父親嘆了口氣,牽著潔走出門診。「爸爸, 剛剛那女人好可怕喔!」潔天真的說道。父親愣住,什麼女人?「就是一直掐著醫生叔叔脖子的那個女人啊!」潔笑笑:「頭髮長長,眼睛都紅紅的那位阿姨啊!」 「掐……脖子…?」父親回想起方才醫生不斷咳嗽的模樣。眼睛全是紅色的?父親倒抽了一口氣,女兒真的……

  潔發現父親的手心,一直滲出 冷汗。「不折不扣,陰陽眼。」地下道,獨眼的算命老人鐵口直斷。「那該怎麼辦?」母親緊張的抱著潔問。「天生陰陽眼,多半是宿命,習慣就好。」獨眼老人露 出一口黃牙。「這種東西怎能說習慣就好?小孩子整天都在害怕!」母親開始哭:「無論如何都請您幫幫忙,看要如何化解……」「解?那倒是不必。」獨眼老人補 充:「如果是宿命嘛,就要等陰陽眼的因緣結束,到時候自然就看不見了,強求把陰陽眼關上那是萬萬辦不到,時機未到嘛。如果不是宿命,只是莫名奇妙有了陰陽 眼,長大後自然就看不見了。」「長大後就看不見?」母親彷彿看見一道曙光。「很多人小時後都會看到那些不好的東西,只是長大後漸漸淡忘了。十個人裡面少說 也有兩三個是這樣的,沒事沒事。」獨眼老人安慰著母親。「還有沒有辦法?」母親嘆氣。「要不就是去大廟,請神明做主把陰陽眼給收了,這是沒辦法中的辦 法。」獨眼老人建議,又說:「不然,先在身上帶保平安的符就好了,就算不小心見著了,也不會被纏上。」母親點頭稱謝。潔好奇歪著頭,伸手撥弄獨眼老人臉旁 的空氣,還發出輕聲的責備。「潔,別玩了!」母親皺眉,拉住潔不斷揮動的小手。「我沒在玩啊!是那個綠色的小朋友好頑皮,一直遮住老先生的眼睛。」潔解 釋。獨眼老人全身僵住。「什麼綠……」獨眼老人呆晌,瞳仍渾濁的瞎眼格外怕人。「就頭上長角,還搖著尾巴的啊?」潔大感奇怪:「他一直遮住你的眼睛,不讓 你看見東西…你怎麼不趕他走呢?」獨眼老人劇震,喉頭發出「喔嗚」一聲。不說話了…不再說話了…老人心臟麻痺猝死後,潔說:「那個頑皮的小孩突然摀住他的 鼻子,用腳一直踢他的胸口。」

  母親突然覺得女兒像是得了腫瘤,發現女兒很恐怖、很恐怖、很恐怖。也很 可憐…但更需要愛。傷心又焦急的母親跑遍了各大廟宇,求了很多符咒。潔的手上多了一串昂貴的佛珠,頸上掛著菩薩式樣的項鍊,衣服及口袋裡,都是各大廟宇求 來的平安符。但潔的陰陽眼卻始終沒有闔上的跡象。潔越來越常見到過世的奶奶。她說,臉上泛黑氣的奶奶經常瞪著她睡覺、上廁所、洗澡,臉色不善。又說,奶奶 常作勢要推倒她,害她跌倒,膝蓋上都是瘀青。「…你帶走振德還不夠嘛?我們就剩下這個小女兒了…你就饒了潔吧!」父親奶奶的照片前痛哭,無法理解自己 的母親怎麼那麼狠心。父母親除了燒很多的紙錢,也如影隨形的看著潔,生怕再有個閃失。

  潔也成為學校裡 知名的靈異神童。她說一年級教室前無故擺動的鞦韆上,總是坐了一個長髮的女人,遮蓋住女人臉龐的長髮之下,有雙怨毒的眼睛,小朋友在鞦韆上翻倒不是沒有原 因的。六年級的女生廁所倒數第二間,曾吊死過一條黑狗,那隻黑狗到現在還翻著舌頭,尋找都出吊死牠的壞小朋友。黃昏時的低年級音樂教室,有張烤焦的臉會唱 歌,那張烤焦的臉有個日本名字,從日據時代就開始在老舊的教室裡彈琴。每次潔的陰陽眼啟動,校園恐怖傳說就又多了一則。下課之時,同學也喜歡繞在潔身旁問 東問西。老師也常常問自己有無被鬼纏身。同學間玩筆仙、錢仙、碟仙…潔更是最佳的技術指導員。  這天班 上來了個轉學生,是個乾乾淨淨的男孩。是潔喜歡的類型,潔一眼就知道了。老師也注意到潔發亮的雙眼。「新同學,去坐潔的旁邊吧!」老師微笑。男孩扭捏地坐 下,舉止有些許的畏縮。潔大方的傳過紙條,「你叫什麼名字?」潔秀娟的字跡。「張勝凱。」男還回傳紙條時居然在顫抖,字跡更是歪七扭八。「我叫林佳潔。」 潔報以甜甜的微笑。凱勉強的點了點頭,不再回傳,卻掩飾不了他的做立難安。「你很害羞齁?」潔笑,一手半遮著嘴。「沒啊!」凱斷然否認,卻將椅子又拉遠了 些。潔回寫紙條時,卻聞到一股尿騷味……凱臉色鐵青,褲子竟濕了一片。「你……千萬不要回頭!」潔突然臉色蒼白。全班一陣安靜,都在注意凱的詭異動作,更 留心潔顫慄的警告。連老師手持的粉筆都停在半空,深呼吸,看著潔。「你…你才不要回頭……」凱畏縮,牙齒打顫著。「為什麼?」潔愕然。「你背上……有個七 孔流血……身體軀幹不正常的小男生……是怎麼一回事?」凱幾乎要哭出來了。r潔呆愣…看這凱在眼前昏倒。昏到前的凱還說……


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

~๑ 2012 Malaysia PH ๑~

1st Jan 2012 (Sun) - New Year23th Jan 2012 - 24th Jan 2012 (Mon & Tues) - Chinese New Year5th Feb 2012 (Sun) - Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.7th Feb 2012 (Tues) - Thaipusam Day19th April 2012 (Thurs) - Perak Sultan Birthday1st May 2012 (Tues) - Labour Day5th May 2012 (Sat) - Wesak Day2nd June 2012 (Sat) - Perak Agong Birthday21th July 2012 (Sat) - Awal Ramadhan19th Aug 2012 - 20th Aug 2012 (Sun & Mon) - Hari Raya Puasa31th Aug 2012 (Fri) - Merdeka Day26th Oct 2012 - 27th Oct 2012 (Fri & Sat) - Hari Raya Haji13th Nov 2012 (Tues) - Deepavali Day25th Dec 2012 (Tues) - Christmas