Thursday, March 31, 2011

♥~ Japan ~♥

I still remember on 10th March saw the news on TV regarding Japan get warning and start to preparing for Earthquake & Tsunami since they known one of the volcano eruptions in the sea. On the next day, I can't believe what I saw.. I really heard a huge earthquake hit Japan on 11th March afternoon..

In no longer, tsunami came too.. A magnitude 8.9 earthquake it's happening at Japan.. According to the history of earthquakesin Japan, this is the largest tsunami catastrophe for 140 years..
It's a nightmare for the Japanese & asian.. when I saw the news, I just felt so scary for the disasters.. such a rich and developed country became a mess.. Japan government start to ask for help for other countries.. everyday i just can pray for Japan and look forward for the latest news.. I really felt I'm so useless.. If I have ability or knowledge about rescue, I'll fly to Japan and help.. but all I can do it's just PRAY.. T.T
After the tsunami, everyone very busy with the recuing.. another disaster comes again.. Japan nuclear power plant reactor explode.. Japan it's facing the nuclear crisis.. only for the tsunami, they were not enough foods & drinks.. plus the nuclear power plant reactor explode, most of the foods were spoiled.. in one week time, 4 of the nuclear power plant reactor were exploded..
but Japan rescue team didn't slow down their rescue hard task.. after 2days of the tsunami, Japan begins to snow.. this is more hard for their rescuing.. most of the victims can't survive because it was too cold.. I'm so sad to heard the Japan disasters news.. how come so many disasters happening in such a short time? I still asking myself, if those disasters happen in Malaysia, I'm sure our country will be more mess than Japan..
after 1 week of the disasters, Japan calculated lost of 18,000 peoples.. it's really a huge number of citizens.. please donate to Japan or PRAY for them..

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