Thursday, March 31, 2011

♥~ Japan ~♥

I still remember on 10th March saw the news on TV regarding Japan get warning and start to preparing for Earthquake & Tsunami since they known one of the volcano eruptions in the sea. On the next day, I can't believe what I saw.. I really heard a huge earthquake hit Japan on 11th March afternoon..

In no longer, tsunami came too.. A magnitude 8.9 earthquake it's happening at Japan.. According to the history of earthquakesin Japan, this is the largest tsunami catastrophe for 140 years..
It's a nightmare for the Japanese & asian.. when I saw the news, I just felt so scary for the disasters.. such a rich and developed country became a mess.. Japan government start to ask for help for other countries.. everyday i just can pray for Japan and look forward for the latest news.. I really felt I'm so useless.. If I have ability or knowledge about rescue, I'll fly to Japan and help.. but all I can do it's just PRAY.. T.T
After the tsunami, everyone very busy with the recuing.. another disaster comes again.. Japan nuclear power plant reactor explode.. Japan it's facing the nuclear crisis.. only for the tsunami, they were not enough foods & drinks.. plus the nuclear power plant reactor explode, most of the foods were spoiled.. in one week time, 4 of the nuclear power plant reactor were exploded..
but Japan rescue team didn't slow down their rescue hard task.. after 2days of the tsunami, Japan begins to snow.. this is more hard for their rescuing.. most of the victims can't survive because it was too cold.. I'm so sad to heard the Japan disasters news.. how come so many disasters happening in such a short time? I still asking myself, if those disasters happen in Malaysia, I'm sure our country will be more mess than Japan..
after 1 week of the disasters, Japan calculated lost of 18,000 peoples.. it's really a huge number of citizens.. please donate to Japan or PRAY for them..

Monday, March 14, 2011


Finally the day (05.03.11) has come.. I've been waiting 4 months for today.. Everyone ask me am I excited? I really not excited as I think, maybe it's because I'm waiting for too long.. But when I reach KL, nervous comes first.. den followed by worry because of raining heavily.. den reach into stadium, excited feel came.. if others don't know, thought I'm the one who open the concert.. ^^

this is the 1st song that he's singing.. 龙战骑士... ◕‿◕

this song call 爱在西元前... but why he didn't wear the white leather on that day??

I love when he's playing piano.. so charming.. 青花瓷...

this song really different with others concert, he never sang this as a full song.. but he's singing this full song.. ♥‿♥

I saw he's playing guitar too.. But he's playing with different style compare with others guitar player.. on that night, he get 10,200 ppl screaming on him.. very proud of him.. ^^

He's concert 3D effect really great.. JVR music entertainment really done alot of effort to done this concert.. at last but not least give a big clap for the musician and dancers too.. really appreciate it.. ^.^

although I'm not Jay Chou fans for 10 years, but he's the longest idol I've ever had.. I've been his fans for 8 years.. this is my first concert in my life.. I enjoy every song that he sang or Cindy Yen, Lara, Gary & 浪花兄弟 sang.. super enjoy the concert on that night.. ♥.♥

he's dancing so cute too.. when he's singing 给我一首歌的时间, he drop his mic.. so cute.. he changed alot of outfit on that day.. really feel his tiredness.. although when the concert start, he's abit out of tune.. but he return to his great tune after that.. he really didn't disappoint me.. he's the best.. ^.^

I've bought his concert DVD + CD... this is the trophies I get from his concert.. really hope he'll come back for his another concert very soon..


Piano: 稻香,阳光宅男,龙卷风,青花瓷
超人不会飞 (VCR)



Monday, March 7, 2011

February 2011

just passed January 2011, the chinese new year it's coming soon.. I need to do alot of preparation for the chinese new year before my bro reach home.. I've spent a month from January to February clean the house in every weekends.. piew.. exhausted.. from upstairs to downstairs.. cleaned all by myself and alone.. Y.Y

my bro came home on 31.01.2011 for 12 days.. such a long holiday for him.. for the 1st night we went to eat the Ipoh Chicken Keuy Teow Soup.. from small till now also it's he favourite.. we wait n wait till 9pm only ate our dinner.. bcoz of too many ppl.. V.V

every year we will go to grandma house to greet her happy new year.. from this year started, will be very different with those passed year.. coz my grandma passed away last year.. we didn't go anywhere but at home.. at night playing mahjong with 2 of my friend.. i call them Tigger & Eeyore.. we play till 3am oh~~ really long time didn't gamble jo.. once a year, never mind la.. play till abit late lo.. XD

then i went to breakfast with my friend at the Wooley.. then he said wanna go to Cameron Highlands.. hey, stop kidding me la.. at night I still need to dinner with my family and I date jo Tigger & Eeyore go to another kaki house oh.. we call her "si fut guai" coz she always call people si fut guai.. den he just fetch me home after round and round Ipoh.. hahaha.. XP

very boring staying at home.. but at least we can have a rest.. den at the night time Tigger came to fetch me and send Eeyore to take bus back to singapore.. at the same time, Tigger gave me and Eeyore birthday present for year of rabbit.. it's a "rabbit pendrive".. so cute.. love it.. ^^

actually today it's Sunday, but I need to go back to office to start work.. they said it's a good day.. den tomorrow they can start the sales competition.. really sien lo.. coz need to start work on sun.. but at least i can receive alot of angpau from them.. then never mind la.. ^^

everythings back to normal.. coz today really need to start working jo.. mood of chinese new year have to go lo.. need to consentrate.. T.T

this is my February of 2011 and chinese new year for this year end.. need to re-changed the mood lu.. many things need to do coz of February it's too short plus too many public holiday.. not enough time to done all my monthly paper work.. haiz.. luckily, I still be able to done it in time..
haha.. ^^