Saturday, January 8, 2011


I hope today it’s the most blackest day for 2011… don’t continue to others day…

1st : I went to pump petrol, then the credit card line down… so I need to use cash to pay my petrol for this month… it’s really out of budget… den I went to the cashier, her service really damn bad lo… I still remember her name it’s NORLIYANA at Shell petrol station… early in the morning gave me those shit service… really BEH SONG ah~~

2nd : After pay my petrol with my beh song mood, I went back to my car… den I found out a dog it’s “shu shu-ing” at my tyre… damn!!! What the hell of a dog doing in the petrol station?? Den I need to use the water to clean my tyre… lagi beh song ah!!!

3rd : After work, I’m heading to Parade road there to Gunung Rapat… Damn again!! Traffic jam till I wanna sot liao… summore those driver, I don’t know where they get their license… nearly get me into car accident

4th : Den I went to Gunung Rapat bank to paid my car monthly installment… one of my bank note always get rejected by the cash deposit machine… since I don’t have RM50 in my purse… den I just need to go ATM to get another RM50 for the damn machine… really moody jo~~!!!

5th : I thought wanna go for badminton with my friends geh… because of not enough people, so we cancelled it… since I wanna do some exercise… I just heading to Polo Ground to have a jog alone… when I reach there, I decided to bring along my umbrella since the weather not so good and as a weapon for a girl lo… I think consider lucky coz when I get down to the car, den I saw 2 uncles (consider as grandpa stage) were walking in high speed and chit chatting… den I decided to follow their back as my body guard and I can follow their high speed steps… I success walk for 3KM in 45min but actually my target it’s 4 rounds a day… Since the handsome rain wanna visit me on my 3rd round, den I just need to give up… when I felt the rain, I open my umbrella… den I found out the rain were stop when I’ve open my umbrella… when I closed my umbrella, the handsome rain comes again… it’s this call black???

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