When I’m depressed, I’ll need someone to accompany me to go shopping, movies, sing k, exercise, dinner and others activities… but not a boyfriend… right now, I don’t think a boyfriend suitable for me… who can accompany me? My best friend? I don’t think I have it…

Best friend it’s both way also think as each other it’s our best friend… best friend has no secret… when you are happy, the first friend that u like to share it’s your best friend… when you are unhappy, wanna find a friend to share problems with you, the first friend that u like to share it’s your best friend… that’s what we call best friend…

But no one will take me as a best friend… I thought I’ve found a best friend so I told her everything… I thought she is my best friend, and I am hers too… but at last, I found it very disappointed me… One day, I found out when she have problems, I’m not the first friend that she remember… that’s means I’m not her best friend…

Once again, I thought I’ve found my best friend… if something happen on my best friend makes she don’t wanna tell me, I still can accept it… but why needs to lied? So I found out that’s I’m not her best friend… once again, I’m feeling so bad… but I always try to remember myself that maybe I’m not that good to let people take me as their best friend… I’m just a school friend, normal friend or even colleague for them…
1 comment:
Some people will think frens is very important and some will think Hi Bye fren. Sumtime myself also feel very hurt, the person i know her since kindergarden until secondary we just lost contact at all even we live very near and very best frens when school time. But now all different liao, we maybe will become past by ppl if we meet at street like a stranger. Forget bout the ppl that is not sppreciate us. U still have me, i will always be there for you when you need my help. "Best Fren 4ever" long time din write this slogan liao, still remember last time at ppl diary always write this slogan...now become history jor...haha XP
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