Sunday, January 16, 2011

♥ WoNdeRfuL dReaM ♥

yesterday i've a wonderful dream.. happy dou i dont wanna wake up ah.. if you know me, sure will understand how happy am i... i dont wanna wake up ah.. god ah.. why wanna wake me up?? i really dont wanna wake up.. pls let me stay in my dream la.. T.T

i dreamt of Jay Chou ah.. heehee.. ♥.♥ we chat happily and play silly games happily.. at first he wont chat with me and didnt chat with me.. but after some silly games, we start to chat and play together.. i'm a little fans of him in the dream.. so happy when i met my super idol.. ^.^

at first, we have some distance with some other staffs.. after some silly games, our distance become closer.. at first, i didnt notice it until we heard Jay songs.. then we all sang together.. so weird hor.. while enjoying singing the songs, suddenly i felt his head on my shoulder then only i realise he's just next to me.. i'm super duper happy.. ◕‿◕

we were playing games after concert rehearsal.. after that, one of the staff suggested us to go for sing k.. with my super idol, i'm sure no problem la.. when he's agreed, i'm just happy till i wanna fly up to the sky.. then other staff really move fast, they already jump into the car and left me and him.. that time i'm start feeling lost, i just scared that they didnt count me in...

then he wanna tell JR 《楊峻榮》he'll go for sing k.. suddenly he's holding my hand to look for JR.. i'm happy dou i cant speak ah.. i can feel his hand, so warm.. but i dont dare to hold back his hand coz i'm super scared ah.. OMG!! when everyone start looking at us, automatically i turn my body face to him to cover my face.. for my surprise, he's cover our hand while we were holding each other.. 《feels like we were hugging》 ^^

i dont know why i'm doing that, maybe i feel ashamed of myself kwa.. but i'm super duper happy ah.. den i wake up jo, haiz.. i'm started to getting crazy.. hou sad ah.. T.T

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I hope today it’s the most blackest day for 2011… don’t continue to others day…

1st : I went to pump petrol, then the credit card line down… so I need to use cash to pay my petrol for this month… it’s really out of budget… den I went to the cashier, her service really damn bad lo… I still remember her name it’s NORLIYANA at Shell petrol station… early in the morning gave me those shit service… really BEH SONG ah~~

2nd : After pay my petrol with my beh song mood, I went back to my car… den I found out a dog it’s “shu shu-ing” at my tyre… damn!!! What the hell of a dog doing in the petrol station?? Den I need to use the water to clean my tyre… lagi beh song ah!!!

3rd : After work, I’m heading to Parade road there to Gunung Rapat… Damn again!! Traffic jam till I wanna sot liao… summore those driver, I don’t know where they get their license… nearly get me into car accident

4th : Den I went to Gunung Rapat bank to paid my car monthly installment… one of my bank note always get rejected by the cash deposit machine… since I don’t have RM50 in my purse… den I just need to go ATM to get another RM50 for the damn machine… really moody jo~~!!!

5th : I thought wanna go for badminton with my friends geh… because of not enough people, so we cancelled it… since I wanna do some exercise… I just heading to Polo Ground to have a jog alone… when I reach there, I decided to bring along my umbrella since the weather not so good and as a weapon for a girl lo… I think consider lucky coz when I get down to the car, den I saw 2 uncles (consider as grandpa stage) were walking in high speed and chit chatting… den I decided to follow their back as my body guard and I can follow their high speed steps… I success walk for 3KM in 45min but actually my target it’s 4 rounds a day… Since the handsome rain wanna visit me on my 3rd round, den I just need to give up… when I felt the rain, I open my umbrella… den I found out the rain were stop when I’ve open my umbrella… when I closed my umbrella, the handsome rain comes again… it’s this call black???

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best Friend...

When I’m depressed, I’ll need someone to accompany me to go shopping, movies, sing k, exercise, dinner and others activities… but not a boyfriend… right now, I don’t think a boyfriend suitable for me… who can accompany me? My best friend? I don’t think I have it…

Best friend it’s both way also think as each other it’s our best friend… best friend has no secret… when you are happy, the first friend that u like to share it’s your best friend… when you are unhappy, wanna find a friend to share problems with you, the first friend that u like to share it’s your best friend… that’s what we call best friend

But no one will take me as a best friend… I thought I’ve found a best friend so I told her everything… I thought she is my best friend, and I am hers too… but at last, I found it very disappointed me… One day, I found out when she have problems, I’m not the first friend that she remember… that’s means I’m not her best friend…

Once again, I thought I’ve found my best friend… if something happen on my best friend makes she don’t wanna tell me, I still can accept it… but why needs to lied? So I found out that’s I’m not her best friend… once again, I’m feeling so bad… but I always try to remember myself that maybe I’m not that good to let people take me as their best friend… I’m just a school friend, normal friend or even colleague for them…

I’m so tired of seeking my best friend… I don’t wanna hope for it, so I won’t disappointed for it… T_T