Saturday, December 31, 2011

(>_< ) When Heaven Burns ( >_<)

Synopsis/ Plot
Due to an accident, Radio DJ YIP CHI YAN (Charmaine Sheh) re-encounters her good friends from childhood who used to be in a band with her LAU JUN HUNG (Bowie Lam), SUNG YI LONG (Moses Chan), CHEUNG SUK LING (Angela Tong) and CHENG ZHEN HIN (Kenny Wong). Not only did the reunion allowed reminiscence of the teenage period 18 years ago when they were a band, but also evoked the hidden and bitter memories. YAN holds a deep grudge against her 4 friends because they didn't save her boyfriend KA MING's life in the accident that occurred several years back when they were out mountain climbing. Because of this incident, YAN became completely lost in her love life and unable to get out of this predicament.

On one hand, the four good friends loves YAN dearly, but on the other hand, each of them are struggling for survival in the real world. The five of them gets tied in a knot and rolls into a whirlpool of complex relationships, waiting to be rescued...

Actually I don't like this kind of drama. I decided to post it because of the story line of EATING people. This was a horrifying story line!! "I couldn't accept lo.." Somemore where do have people still believing 3 people will still love a women after 18 years? What so attractive of YAN is to makes 3 people fall in love?

Why I like to watch ghost movie than this kind of story line? I believe that human terror more horrifying than a ghost!! I scared of human more than ghost...

I would like to watch if Nick Cheong is still in the main cast.. I would like to watch 2009 version.. Must be more interesting than this version..

What do u think of this version? ㊏㊏ And which one do you like?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

¸.·’★*·~-.¸-(★ You've Fallen To Me ★)-,.-~*¸.·’★


Lee Shin is a university student majoring in modern music. He is also the vocalist and guitarist of the band “The Stupid.” Shin is known for his good looks and strong passion for music, but in reality he is cold, lacks interest in anything unrelated to music and has neither dreams nor plans for the future. He initially likes Jung Yoon Soo, a dance professor at university, but this all changes when he meets Lee Kyu Won.

Lee Kyu Won is a bright and outgoing student who was born into a prestigious family and is majoring in traditional Korean instruments, especially the gayageum. Kyu Won’s grandfather, Lee Dong Gun, is one of the top 3 traditional musicians of his age and his biggest wish is to see his granddaughter become a traditional music prodigy. Trying to live up to her grandfather’s expectations, Kyu Won immerses herself in training and becomes a university student who knows nothing outside of her studies. As her friends are fans of “The Stupid”, she was forced to go to the band’s concert with them. There she saw Lee Shin performing live, and is immediately captivated by him.

Actually this drama is regarding the 100 years anniversary concert. How the concert create to produce and on show. It's a quite boring drama for me.. Many times watch until half also makes me fall to sleep.. ٩(×̯×)۶

I love that everytime when they wanna kiss,
there must be someone disturbing them.. super funny~~ ^^

I wish I do have a boyfriend like Lee Shin threaten me.. He knows to suggested the places and things to do when Kyu Won were unhappy.. o(╥﹏╥)o

Do you recognize them?
If you watched "You're Beautiful" that I post before,
I'm sure you saw them before..

Jung Yong Hwa as Lee Bin
Park Shin Hye as Lee Kyu Won

♬ •♩ ·.·´¯`·.·♭•♪ If you watched this drama, sure you will love this song ♪ •♭·.·´¯`·.·♩ •♬

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

♬ ~ 超喜欢的歌曲 ~♬

你说故事已经结束 很久
我忘了 向前走

还牵着 你的手

悄悄到 你身边

陪你的 是谁呢?

悄悄到 你身边

陪你的 是谁呢?

还牵着 你的手


Friday, November 4, 2011

♥ 翻挞的情歌 ♥

依然愛你 (原唱:王力宏


一閃一閃亮晶晶 留下 歲月的痕跡
我的世界的中心 依然還是你
一年一年又一年 飛逝僅在一轉眼
唯一永遠不改變 是不停地改變

我不像從前的自己 你也有點不像你
但在我眼中你的笑 依然的美麗
日子只能往前走 一個方向順時鐘
不知道還有多久 所以要讓你懂

依然愛你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會 依然愛你
(依然愛你 依然愛你...)

我不像從前的自己 你也有點不像你
但在我眼中你的笑 依然的美麗
日子只能往前走 一個方向順時鐘
不知道還有多久 所以要讓你懂

依然愛你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會 依然愛你
(依然愛你 依然愛你...)

依然愛你 或許是 命中注定
多年之後 任何人都無法代替
那些時光 是我這一輩子最美好的
那些回憶 依然無法忘記

依然愛你 就是唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會 依然愛你
你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情
到永遠 一定會 依然愛你

Thursday, November 3, 2011




Wednesday, November 2, 2011

◕~◕ Ghost Stories 《Pontianak》◕~◕

It seemed one late night on the old road to Genting Highlands, before the new road was opened, a couple, husband and wife were driving downwards heading home after having their holidays. After passing a tunnel, their car began to have some weird sounds. Curious, the husband decided to stop along the roadside to check on the engine. The road was deserted as it was late at night. The husband opened the bonnet of the car and began examining the engine with his torchlight.

While the husband was busy finding out what happened to his car, the wife sat quietly in the car waiting for him. Some 15 minutes passed by and the husband was still busy with the car. The wife just sat there patiently, she was beginning to wonder what took him so long. The eerie silence was a little too much for her as there was not a single sound at all.

Suddenly, she heard a loud motor sound coming towards her car. In need of help, she called out loudly to the motorcyclist, who happened to be a policeman. She was shocked as the policeman rushed to her with a panic frenzy, opened her car door, and ordered her to quickly jump onto his bike. The wife hesitated at first, but seeing the policeman was in a state of shock, she followed his instructions obligingly.

Jumped onto his bike, she asked the policeman what was happening. He didn’t reply her, but ordered her not to ever look back to her car. As they speed down the road, the woman took a peek at the side mirror of the motorcycle, and there she saw the most horrifying thing — a pontianak with long hair and dressed in white was sucking her husband dry in front of the car!

This story happened years ago, when the old road to Genting was still at use. Now that the new road is opened and there are more cars than last time, the road isn’t as deserted as before, so do not worry about the pontianak. However, do take precautions, especially when you hear some weird noises coming out of your car……

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

~.~ Nightmares ~.~

Recently I always had a nightmares.. How often? Around this 2 weeks had a nightmares every night. My nightmares is not about ghost, vampires or paranormal activities. I always can't remember my dream very well when I have nightmares, but once I woke up, I'm very confirm that I have nightmare just now..

I remember one of my dream is going a vacation with my other 2 friends. Then we stop by aside an have a stretch, we went to a karaoke. One of my friend always like to sing till the end, then the karaoke room from many peoples to left us 3 only. Then the waiter come with more than ten thousand bill. Is because the charge from the karaoke start to the end. Really scared us till I woke up ah.. T^T
After that I continue my sleep, then it continue my dream. We went to a garden, have a fresh air.. Then we there is no chair or bench that we can sit. So we sat at beside the big drain.. Then in the big drain, there is some big holes. Then we start to chit chatting and laughing till non-stop, suddenly in the big holes came out some wild animals. Etc. lion, tiger, leopard.. Do you know how scared am I? ◕‸◕

Another nightmare is I'm going to holiday with some friends, then we put our souvenir into the van that take us to travel. Suddenly the van drove away, all our luggage is in the van and left us behind. What we can do is just chase from behind. Then I woke up again.. ◕_◕

Another nightmare is me and my friends were in the vacation house, then I'm going to bath.. Suddenly a person rush in the toilet while I'm bathing. I scared till woke up again..

I don't want this kind of nightmares again.. Please~~!! Always get scared till I woke up!! T^T

Monday, October 31, 2011

♥= Pasar Malam =♥

Pasar malam is one of Malaysian culture, in this pasar malam (night market) sold the local goods such as fruits, vegetables, snacks, toys, clothes, shoes, alarm clocks, and ornaments at cheap or at least reasonable prices. Pirated DVDs, CDs and computer software are often sold at a pasar malam. ♬~♬

A pasar malam often takes place only one to a few week, as the traders rotate around different neighbourhoods on different days of the week. Haggling over price is a common practice at such markets.

I love to go pasar malam for the foods and snacks. I seldom go for clothes, shoes or others, their foods are really good etc. asam laksa, fried abalone mushroom, fried enoki mushroom, taiwan pearl milk tea, aiyu jelly and others.The foods there are super good~~ ♥.♥

What food do your like at pasar malam? >.^

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Friday, October 28, 2011

◕~ Fruits ~◕

Let me tell you what fruits that I ONLY eat.. ^^
Jambu Air
Mandarin Orange

I only eat this kind of fruits.. Others I don't eat oh~~
Actually I'm not that choosy jeh.. I eat alot of fruits ma.. ^^

Thursday, October 27, 2011

@~ Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer ~@

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (May 21, 1960 - November 28, 1994) was an American serial killer and sex offender. Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991, with the majority of the murders occuring between 1987 and 1991. His murders involved rape, dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism.

Dahmer's early childhood was by all accounts normal, but he grew increasingly withdrawn and uncommunicative between the age of 10 and 15, showing little interest in any hobbies or social interactions. Dahmer began drinking in his teens and was an alcoholic by the time of his high school graduation.

Jeffrey Dahmer committed his first murder in the summer of 1978, at age of 18. Dahmer were left behind by his family members. That June, Dahmer picked up a hitchhiker named Steven Hicks and offered to drink beer with him back at his father's house, planning to eventually have sex with him. When Hicks tried to leave, Dahmer bludgeoned Hicks to death with a 10 lb dumbell, striking the back of his head, later saying he had committed the crime because "the guy wanted to leave and he didn't want him to". Dahmer buried the body in the backyard.

Nine years passed before he killed again, in September 1987, Dahmer picked up 26-year-old Steven Tuomi at a bar and killed him on impulse, he later said he had no memory of committing the crime. After the Tuomi murder, Dahmer continued to kill sporadically: two more murders in 1988, and another in early 1989, usually picking up his victims in gay bars and having sex with them before killing them. He kept the skull of one of his victims, Anthony Sears, until he was caught.

In 1982, Dahmer moved in with his grandmother in West Allis, where he lived for six years. During this time, his behavior grew increasingly strange. His grandmother once found a fully dressed male mannequin in his closet.

In summer 1988, Dahmer's grandmother asked him to move out because of his late nights, his strange behavior, and the foul smell from the basement. On September 26, 1988, one day after moving into his apartment, he was arrested for drugging and sexually fondling a 13-year-old boy in Milwaukee named Somsack Sinthasomphone. Dahmer picked up the pace of his killing: four more murders before the end of 1990, two more in February and April 1991, and another in May 1991.

In the early morning hours of May 27, 1991, 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone (by coincidence, the younger brother of the boy whom Dahmer had molested) was discovered on the street, wandering naked, heavily under the influence of drugs and bleeding from his rectum. Dahmer told police that Sinthasimphone was his 19-year-old boyfriend, and that they had an argument while drinking. Dahmer killed and dismembered Sinthasomphone, keeping his skull as a souvenir.

By summer 1991, Dahmer was murdering approximately one person each week. Dahmer got the idea that he could turn his victims into Zombies - completely submissive, eternally youthful sexual partners - and attempted to do so by drilling holes into their skulls and injecting hydrochloric acid or boiling water into the frontal lobe area of their brains with a large syringe, while the victim was usually still alive.

He was sentenced to five years probation and one year in a work release camp. He was required to register as a sex offender. Dahmer was paroled from the work release camp two months early, and he soon moved into a new apartment. Shortly thereafter, he began a string of murders that ended with his arrest in 1991. On November 28, 1994, he was beaten to death by an inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution, where he had been incarcerated.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

♥.♥ 爱 ♥.♥



  • 女人在一段时间只能喜欢一个男人
  • 男人可以同一时间喜欢很多的女人

爽吗?婚姻 = 开玩笑吗?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

+.+ C's +.+

I saw a drama said that she need a guy with 5C..
I quite agreed with this C's.. But I think I need one more.. P..Cheerful
Yes~~ Guy may need cheerful.. If not both of the couple silent all the while, how to stay for a long time??

Yes~~ Creative for those surprises & sweetness.. A little surprise and sweet may last long the relationship.. ^^
Yes~~ Guy must have some confidence for themselves..
Nor only gals need caring.. Guys also need caring..
Everyone need Caring~~

Nor only guys need to be charming to be more attractive..
Gals do need some charming to be even more attractive..

Do you agree with me this C's?? >.^

Monday, October 24, 2011

^~♥ Lie To Me ♥~^


Gong Ah Jung, a level 5 Ministry of Culture official, gets entangled in a web of lies when she mistakenly lies that she’s married to Hyun Ki Joon, a hotel manager from an affluent family. Their relationship is further complicated when Ki Joon’s ex-fiancée and a close friend of his brother’s, Oh Yoon Joo, reappears in his life.

Actually this drama quite nice.. quite funny..
But the most confusing me is I don't know the Hyun Ki Joon love who..
Sometimes always show here and there, can't understand..
But this is a good drama too.. ◕‿◕

Gong Ah Jung vs Hyun Ki Joon
Yoon Eun Hye vs Kang Ji Hwan

I love the way he propose to Gong Ah Jung..
And I love the way he called Ah Jung ah~~ ♥.♥

This is a fairy tales story..
A gentleman who love his lover like a kid..
《My dear friends, it won't happen in reality》T.T

In this drama, most of the people is using Samsung Galaxy S2..
When they throw the hand phone, I always said..
“If you don't want it, please don't throw it.. Please give it to me!!!”

If you watched this drama, sure you will love this song~~ ♬~♬