Saturday, December 27, 2008


人中是要有一个依靠才有目标走完人生的路~~ 但什么时候才找到那个目标呢?那个依靠又可以依赖吗?

世界的进步带给人类不少的方便~~ 但也带给人类不少的懒惰~~ 有好的也有坏的。。你会选择那一边呢?人生有太多布满了,什么时候材聊到完呢?对吗?
*最静比较忙,没有多的时间写blog.. ;-p

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


do u like xmas? i do like xmas more than others seasons.. erm.. xmas actually it's a quite warm for me.. er, mayb it's a romantic season.. family also can b gether n hav a warm holiday.. especially da xmas snow.. really syok oh.. and a really good fairy tales about the santa claus.. summore xmas do hav present leh.. wakakakaka..

i do hope santa claus it's not a fairy tales, and it's exist in the world.. it's give us a wonderful dreams.. how is the santa claus exist in this fairy tales? it's must b a true story den only have the fairy tales right? i do hope that.. heehee.. by the way.. merry xmas n happy new year to all my love ones.. heehee.. u 2 lo..

~~santa claus is coming to town~~

Monday, December 22, 2008


why does everyone need a job? it's bcoz of money, wasting their time, chasing their dreams or maybe they thought this is how the life goes on? every jobs can make us understand or learn alot of things.. but it's included, bad things and good things.. gd behaviour or bad behaviour.. learn to face those stress that never had b4..

i believe that everyone working it's bcoz of money.. u do have money den only can buy what ever u wan, do wat ever things and go wat ever u wan.. where it's the money come from? need to earn right? ok! mayb some ppl no need to earn, already have many money to used (rich).. but their parents still need to earn alot of money to support them right?

do u ever notice that, my topic also related to money.. heehee.. it's can make u to understand me.. i do need money.. no kidding here.. by the way, return to our topic here..

i do appreciate someone working it's for chasing their dreams.. they do have a wonderful dream, but wat i have? herm.. nothing.. heehee.. do u know that chasing the dreams it's such a wonderful things? always do have target to hit and never give up.. i think that's y i cant do sales.. i dont like to hit target.. but i like to make my dreams succeed.. i know it's jus a dream.. i do a reality person..

how about this is the life goes on? everyone do follow the steps.. after graduate den find a job.. but they never chasing dreams n do need for those money.. mayb i can say it's jus for pasing time.. summore need to know more ppl, n have a relationship den married.. this wat they call life.. life does goes like this.. am i something wrong here? write such nonsence things.. ;-p

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


不爽!不爽!非常不爽!我在不爽些什么呢?我也不知道。我有太多时间在胡思乱想了吗?每天一到家,就觉得我的心很不自在~~尤其是他回到家以后。。真得让我很不舒服,不自在,不开心。 是我对他有偏见吗?我不确定,但是有巴仙来选的话。。因该有百分之八十的机会答案是。。 我知道我自己很差动,但我也不想啊~~每一次我想要原谅他的时候,他就会做出很过分的事来。




Monday, December 15, 2008


wat is love it's all about? love can bring u happiness, caring, sadness or mayb a broken heart.. some jelousy must involve in each relationship.. wat for v start a relationship? for a temporary happiness?

love do needs brave to carry on in each relationship.. how many of us can be such brave? i'm too scare to accept new relationship, bcoz at the end it's still end up in broken up.. den wat for a start new relationship? i'm quite jealous of those who always change partner with a super high speed.. is it just for fun? or mayb i'm a loser..

or mayb i should ask wat it's marriage it's all about? married den divorce? wat for? wat a waste money activities.. nows a day, 2 many young couple married bcoz of the child.. den divorce bcoz of themself.. but who will think about the child? the child it's too innocent.. y those ppl cant think the end only think wat dey wan to do? such a selfish parents..

at the end, who is the winner? god n those lawyer.. god who play our life n lawyer will earn alot of divorce money.. am i right?

Sunday, December 14, 2008


today topic it's rapist.. wat is the rapist thinking? erm.. let me think.. bcause of dey saw sum1 who really feel sexy but cant have them? rape them for fullfill them? release their stress? or mayb they have some unhappy memories about women..

actually i cant understand how their feelings.. coz i'm not the offenders.. if i can understand their feelings, must b i'm the offenders.. heehee..

did u ever imagine b4 tat the youngest victim it's only 10 month old in South Africa's.. the oldest victim it's 98 years old in Australia.. it's because of those gals wore too sexy den only wanna fullfill them? but y they wanna rape 10 month old baby?? the oldest victim 98 years old wo.. wat for? haiz.. wat a damn ppl..

Saturday, December 13, 2008


wat do u think about sing k? wat i think it's jus for wasting my time, happy, practise my voice being better n better.. and mayb to released my stress.. coz when i'm sing tat time, i jus need to focus to the lyrics.. no need to think others things, except how to present this song better n better and wat songs i would like to sing.. i like to sing duet with my friens.. quite gd.. heehee..

i heard many of them like to go and released stress 2.. always go to karaoke sing with loud n shout.. i think if their frien together high with them also quite gd la.. if not, it will disturbing others.. of course i wont shout la.. coz i'm my voice it's still in very dangerous condition.. ;-P y? bcoz i did lost my voice twice since i've born..

do u know wat it's da feel tat u cant speak.. how u talk to the phone when sum1 rang u up when no 1 bside u? i just hit the phone louder.. den comfirm my frien wont understand la, then i will hangup the phone n choose to sms back n appologize to hang the phone up.. when ur frien start a very intersting topic, u always wanna say sumthing.. but no 1 can hear u.. wat a damn day.. luckily i've get back my voice.. did u try b4? u wanna talk but u cant talk.. even a single words..

Friday, December 12, 2008


conversation it's a MUST to our life.. when lost the conversation between human.. all the system should b out of control.. but conversation need some afford to contact to ur family, friends n colleague.. mayb u need some entertainment with some friends.. but entertainment do needs money to afford.. life should be leave in the world with full of money.. money control life..

i didnt meant tat money can buy life.. but most of all, everyone do need money to live in this full of realistics world.. they say, money cant buy love.. cant buy relationship.. cant buy family.. cant buy happiness.. but whos know? whos know no one who live in this condition? live in used money to buy relationship, family, hapiness, love n etc?

sumone who because of family property to stay with the enemy.. no love, married to sum1 who can full fill their financial problem.. some of the friends it's because u rich, den only will be ur frien.. if u dont hav money to do an operation, how to keep our life going?so money it's really quite important to human.. even baby do needs alot of money to come to this world.. so how u think about money? for me?
no money, no happy..
money do makes ppl worry..