Thursday, November 27, 2008


对这个世界 我已经有太多的抱怨了
为什么 人要这么的脆弱 堕落呢?
梦希望没有尽头 因为我不想太快走完这幸福

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


actually i'm not good in writting blog.. bcoz of my creating or maybe my english it's too broken.. i really don't know about that.. when i've saw my friend blog that's makes me feel sad, i really hope i can company her and comfort her.. but sumtimes i do think i'm quite busy-body.. but i do really care about her and sad for her.. mayb it's just a excuse for myself..

i do hope everyone live in this world feel happy and mayb some dissapointed.. just little enough.. don't more than a drop of water.. bcoz no dissapointed u won't feel happy.. izzit everyone feeling bad with their lovers? just look like everyone unhappy about that love story.. mayb u should think like tat..

"if u didn't feel bad for the past relationship, u won't treasure ur next relationship"

this is wat ppl call experience.. or mayb i'm just too innocents.. ^_^

remember 1 thing!!

*don't worry, be happy..
treasure urself more than anyone do..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


actually i’m not quite understand myself, i’ve too much dissatisfied to this world. everytime when i’m feeling to write blog, it’s must have something unhappy with.. maybe my life it’s quite simple, it’s doesn’t have many things i felt happy on it.. but around me, of course dissatisfied more than satisfied..

erm, is it really i don’t have happy memory to share with? i’ve gone to karaoke with my friend last friday night, is this count in? i do feel happy when i’m singing, because i just need to keep myself focus into lyrics, music and my voice. that’s why i like to karaoke more than watch movie, play games or clubbing. (karaoke quite wasting time ;-p)

let me think.. i did satisfied with my mum, i’m very confirm and no regret.. and maybe my relationship with my brother.. wahahaha.. others? not really.. haiz.. including myself.. i do have some good friends who always supporting me, when i’m feeling bad, need some advice and
something to share with. but sometimes i feel myself quite annoyingly.
sometimes i rather keep my mouth shut better than share my problems with my friend. i do try hard to throw my problems away when i’m having fun with my friends. unfortunately not everytime works. haiz, everyone does have their own problems, but i just felt myself not doing the best!

Monday, November 17, 2008




人可以很可笑,也可以很矛盾。 我觉得作上帝也满不错的,可以控制所有的事情。决定所有人的命运,嗨,有钱,没钱,早死,老死,跟谁结婚,跟谁离婚,等等。。为什么上帝要做人来当玩具呢?我以前常常在想,为什么人会出现在这个世界上呢?到底人活在这个世界来干嘛?为什么要经过生,老,病,死呢?为什么人不可以解释这些事情还要传宗接代呢?

就好像上帝在控制人一样,如果上帝没有控制你,你做你自己想做的东西,人就会说:人生是自己控制的。当上帝控制你的时候,人就会说:这是上天的安排。人的试想真的很混乱!那你相信那一种呢?这些真的好象我玩过一个游戏叫做 The Sims. 里面的人全部都是你控制的,你没控制他的时候,他回自己动!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bora Bora, French Polynesia

WahLao!! Damn Pretty.. When I can go there for holiday?

San Alfonso Del Mar, Algarrobo, Chile

It's Hotel.. Dreaming Visit Once..

Rome, Italy

The Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Wishing Pond, Rome, Italy


女人说:No Love No Sex
男人说:No Sex No Love

我相信有99% 的男人都是认同这种说法。当然先不说高,矮,肥,瘦啦。比如说,有女人送过来,10 个男人当中,有9.5 个都说吃的不要浪费。那0.5 个去了哪里呢?0.5 个就是那种,第一次不要,第二次也不要, 第三次开始就每次都要。我不是说每个男人都是这样,但我相信大部分都是这样而已。其实我也知道很多女人都是 No Sex No Love. 但没有男人那么多而已。可能我看的东西比较少,所以有点偏见吧。。我也没说他们是错,这些事情不能逼的吗。逼的那种就叫做强奸该要坐牢咯,不,那些混蛋该要死才对!真的动物都不如!

P/S: 如果我有什么错字的话请告诉我哦!我的中文不好!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


每个人都很喜欢叮当,但我却很羡慕大雄! 他真得很幸福因为有叮当这个朋友。 我知道也是等于喜欢叮当意识啦。话说回来,我想这个世界如果有叮当的话,世界就没有坏人了!世界和平了!真得很想住在童话世界里,没有坏人的世界。

不像现在的世界,多灾多难。 一场灾难死那么多人!那些政治的人还要争来争去!烦死人了!还那么多东西起价,这个世界怎么生活?有没有想过平民百姓怎么生活?为什么他们不想想看那些住在老挝的人?还要争什么呢?但是叮当现在也要换名者了。。

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Haiz.. How can I always dream of him this few days? Actually he look quite different from now, maybe because long time didn't see him already.. I just remember the looks he had before.. In my dream, the time that I feel quite horror he always by myside. I'm so comfortable in my dream. But remember, it's just a dream!! In reality, unfortunately I don't feel safety and comfortable. Haiz.. LIFE!! I'm quite happy to saw him go out with his sis. I remember last time he fight with his sis, because of me. I hope everything going's fine with him. All the best to everybody and no bad dreams!! >.<