Sunday, October 28, 2012

ஐ¤*¨¨*¤¨°o.O( My Brother's Wedding )O.o°¤*¨¨*¤εïз

Today is my bro wedding.. Finally what we discuss and argue for a year finally came..
Alot of happiness to sharing.. May god bless them with full of happiness and without any worries..
 In the early morning, we arrived at Soka Gakkai Malaysia Imbi Centre..
Because of my bro and sis-in-law religious of SGI, they decided to held their ceremony at there..
This is my first time to SGI.. Not bad..
After they prayed, there is an expression time for the married couple section..
When my bro tell everybody how he knew my sis-in-law..
Alot of happiness and sadness been thru, and my mind keeps on imagine the hard times they been thru and to now the good times is coming.. I feel that is the most touching moment.. o( T __ T )o
 Night time, they held their wedding dinner at Grand Palace @ Pavilion.
It was a happy night, although I missed alot of parts..
There is alot of things to worried for the dinner.. Luckily, everything's going smoothly..
As cantonese word said, 无惊无险 *mo ging mo him (no surprise, and no risk) end the dinner..

 Wedding on 28th of October 2012

1 comment:

sdfoong said...

Now I only realised hahah