Monday, July 9, 2012

ⓛⓞⓥⓔ☜ Poh Sim Wedding Dinner ☞ⓛⓞⓥⓔ

8th July 2012 is Poh Sim wedding dinner
after a long time, I've never met my schoolmate..
after few years, finally we met at Poh Sim wedding dinner..

From Left to Right: May Yeong, San Kooi, Me, Hui Teng & Sook Hui
I'm so happy can reunion with my schoolmates.. (^-^)

This is my 1st time purposely go make up is just for wedding dinner..
Many of my friends said, I've changed alot..
But actually, I'm still who I am.. I didn't changed..

From Left to Right: San Kooi, Me, Seok Li, Yin Khuan, Poh Sim, 
May Yeong, Hui Teng, Mon Yee and Hoi Ling..

I also very surprise to how I look like.. heehee.. Thx to meow-meow~~

Long time didn't met with Seok Li..
I heard they said, she have changed alot..
She's changed to a good drinker..

I wish they will happily ever after~~

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