Thursday, January 22, 2009

mOOdy daY..

on monday night, i dream of him again!! this time abit different wif last time.. da look change n everything was changed 2.. but I dont know why, it's felt like so real.. makes me felt abit of scared.. after this dream, i start my bad luck.. such a bad tuesday for me.. maybe it's remind me dont think 2 much..
recently I feel so moody, bcoz of weather or maybe of the drama tat i've watch? I still remember tat day was friday.. i'm home alone tat night.. and I've cried so badly, but without any reason.. just bcoz felt uneasy feeling and need to release.. tat's y I call i'm very moody.. unfortunetly, after cry also feel da same.. moody feelings..

Thursday, January 15, 2009

-beLieVe peRfuMe-

this is call believe perfume.. I would like to have 1.. but temporary i'll consider to buy mobile than buy perfume.. coz I NEED A MOBILE!! heehee.. that's not mean I didnt have a mobile.. but my mobile nearly 3 years old liao.. abit sot liao..

nearly cny now.. hav to do alot of preparation for cny.. sum kind of cleaning house.. haiz.. summore buy new cloths.. buy foods or drinks.. damn expensive u know.. sumtimes i think cny it's a quite boring day.. mayb it's just an excuse for ppl to rest at home.. gambling.. coz cny everyone it's off.. everywhere it's close.. tat's y is boring n nothing to do..

after cny, haiz.. old 1 year again lo.. y this few years past damn fast? but i'm very enjoy this few years.. makes me c alot of things n learn alot of things.. but wat i c n wat i learn didnt change my appearance.. coz sum of my frien, change their mind n apperance once they accept new things.. haiz.. y leh.. y leh..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009



这一些栓是算抱怨吗?其实我最经没有不开心的事发生啦~~ 没有那么多东西要抱怨,看起来我的blog 也满短的。这是好事还是不好呢?我是没关系啦,这是觉得怪怪而已。我想开心的事不够让我写上blog 里面,当我不开心的时候才写。


Monday, January 5, 2009


baby it's the most innocent, the happiest and da most lovely creature in da world.. the most trouble it's no1 understand them.. nows a day, baby already turn to a very smart baby.. y? they can understood very fast and they can learn in super speed 2.. it's bcoz of milk or maybe it's genetic from their parents? but actually, it's a good thing 2.. agree?

the world smallest baby it's just 8.6oz and only 9inches in chicago.. can u imagine this? just a cell phone size or mayb a fizzy drink can size.. do u know the world fattest baby? i read the news it's wrote, the baby it's 10.8kg and 76cm in america.. but sadly only survived in 11 hours.. wahlao.. 10kg it's already same size wif age 1yrs old kid..

how ever, many of those cruelness parents.. will kill their baby when they were born.. sometimes i saw on the paper, it's say thrown from 4th floor window.. wat r they thinking? some of them even thrown them into river, public toilet bowl and flush it and even in the trash can!!

baby it's innocent, why u wanna kill them after they come into this world!! what a cruelness people in the world.. if u dont wan the baby, 1st once u know u pregnant please dont wait till he slowly grows up in ur body only think aborting them.. 2nd u can put them in those orphanage house.. do u need to kill them?