Friday, October 16, 2009


it's been a long time, tat i didnt write my blog.. how's everything going?? no good lo.. but i dont wanna talk about this, coz i read back my whole blog n i'm realize all it's unhappy memory.. y i must write those unhappy things n keep remind myself for those problem?? mayb it can release my feelings..
anyway, i wanna talk sumthin else den unhappy memory.. this few weeks, i saw Leo Ku Eye Fever Concert 2009 DVD repeatly.. one thing i should say about Leo Ku Concert is JEANG de lo.. only talking about his voice n chatting wif fans, tat's really enuf.. i start to learn more n more wif his songs.. n i realise this few album hor, da lyrics really touching.. summore about family.. more touching la..

he really have a good voice.. support ya..!!!

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