Yesterday I've dreamt of my leg become rotted, but I didn't feel the pain. The weird things is when I dream of first part, I woke up then I slept again and continue the second part. I don't like such feelings while continue the same nightmare when I've woke up. Feels like it might be real and will become reality.
One of my friends told me that if my dream dreamt of reality, it means I think too much. But what I think it's just an excuse for myself. I don't think that my stress will cause me the nightmare, I don't hope that I'll always find an excuse for myself.
Plus she said that my gastric may because of my stress, but I know that's not the reason. It's because of my eating habits or eating timing. I've search may cause gastric foods, it's contain alot. Example:- tomatoes, corns, coffee, beef, steak, frozen nuggets, mashed potatoes, ice-cream and others. Most of the food it's what I like to eat. I've to takecare that I can't eat those foods too often. T_T