Saturday, February 21, 2009


before contact wif him, jus feel concern about him.. but after he contact wif me.. feel dont know wat to do.. always says those disgusting words.. made me dunno wat to say.. always care la.. love la.. like la.. kiss la.. watever la.. actually wat i care it's a frien, not a lover.. wat i'm sure it's if i wanna find a bf.. i'm sure he's not da one tat i need..
careful ur health.. many of my frien getting sick..

Monday, February 2, 2009

sing k..

i sing k wif my bro last sat.. this is the 1st time i sing k wif him.. damn scared u know.. coz he's singing hor.. really makes me crazy liao.. sound not good, but very geng ah!! always say he hav no voice.. den long time didnt sing liao la.. this la.. tat la.. da 1st songs tat he sing hor, i die jor.. really surrender liao..

everytime go to k, felt like da time going super damn fast.. tat is my 1st time felt da time passing super slow.. but quite enjoy la.. damn pressure singing wif him.. cant choose da high key songs, cant choose guy songs again.. damn pressure leh..
lucky i do hav a frien company me.. if not, damn yu liao.. lucky for 1 more thing, i know chinese words more than him.. wakakakaka.. bcoz of tat, he always choose eng songs.. makes our k room always chinese songs den turn to eng songs.. heehee..