Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Today I've a serious gastric. Until I can't go out for lunch. Haiz.. But I don't know why suddenly my gastric friend come to find me? I didn't eat or drink some special things today, but why my gastric became more seriously? I do have many friends advise me looking for a doctor, because it's will become a very serious problem. I also know about that, but if I do have something wrong with my health, I just rather don't know. I dont wanna worry about this things for the rest of my life. Then my life become more suffer, life it's really suffer already. Why should I turn my life into MORE suffer? Right?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


what a world that i live? many of the people just try to blame others people.. But did they try to think about themself? Everyone does have some mistake, but did they think about their mistakes?